
Zooloretto – Catta

Original price was: €5,90.Current price is: €2,36.

SKU: a9236 Category: Tag:



A special expansion tile from the Spiel 2011 Essen convention.The first player to fill up his 6-space enclosure gets the Catta enclosure and places 3 coins from the bank on it. If it is the owners turn he can skip this turn but has to pay one coin from the enclosure to the bank. If there is no coin left on the enclosure he cannot skip his turn. If at least one coin is left on the enclosure by the end of the game the player gets one additional scoring point.

Additional information

Mechanics: Set Collection Tile Placement
Categories: Animals
Alternative names: Zooloretto – Catta Zooloretto – Katta Zooloretto: Catta Zooloretto: Katta Zooloretto: Ringstaartmaki
In 3 wishlists In 2 collections This was seen 5695 times


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