
Zombie Mosh!

Original price was: €38,99.Current price is: €15,60.

SKU: 895713002287 Category:



Zombies-whether fast or slow-have only two things on their minds: eating brains and moshing to heavy metal music. The impact of your fellow undead, moshing and thrashing about in the pit after a day of hunting for brains-what could be better?! In Zombie Mosh players strive to be the last zombie standing at the end of each song. As they flail about the limbs start flying and start flying off! Lose too many limbs and you are out at least until the next song. The danger doesn’t just come from your fellow players of course there is a whole pit full of Zombies, and they are more than happy to flail into the players at full speed!

Additional information

Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System
Categories: Card Games
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 895713002287
In 2 wishlists This was seen 8541 times


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