Showing 1–12 of 20 results

  • Sale!


    Original price was: €27,99.Current price is: €11,20.

    Card sleeves in this game 110 cards of 56.0mm width and 87.0mm of height Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard USA (56 x 87 mm) (MDG7076)Mayday Games”> 3x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium USA Chimera (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7078)Mayday Games”> 3x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Chimera USA (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7044)Mayday Games”>…

  • Sale!

    Anno Domini: Erfindungen

    Original price was: €14,99.Current price is: €6,00.

    Description Each Anno Domini set consists of 336 cards, with a description of a historical event on one side of the card, and the year in which it happened on the other.Each player receives nine of these cards, and may only look at the descriptions. Each player in turn puts a card on the table,…

  • Sale!

    Anno Domini: Süden

    Original price was: €14,99.Current price is: €6,00.

    Description Each Anno Domini set consists of 336 cards, with a description of a historical event on one side of the card and the year (and sometimes specific date) in which it happened on the other. Anno Domini: Süden focuses on historical events related to “the south”. This relationship is not necessarily obvious. Like all…

  • Sale!


    Original price was: €21,17.Current price is: €8,47.

    Card sleeves in this game 80 cards of 56.0mm width and 87.0mm of height Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard USA (56 x 87 mm) (MDG7076)Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium USA Chimera (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7078)Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Chimera USA (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7044)Mayday Games”>…

  • Sale!

    Charly: Picky Pig

    Original price was: €6,99.Current price is: €2,80.

    Description Additional information Mechanics: Action Point Allowance System Categories: Animals Card Games Alternative names: Charly: Picky Pig Charly: Verwöhnte Sau Charly Чарли This was seen 4974 times

  • Sale!

    China – The Embassies

    Original price was: €9,99.Current price is: €4,00.

    Description China – The Embassies is an expansion for China that adds another scoring option to the game. On their turn, when players have the option of placing two pieces, players may place an embassy along with a house which will score points at the end of the game.The Embassies are distributed through the BGG…

  • Sale!

    Cosmic Eidex

    Original price was: €5,99.Current price is: €2,40.

    Bundle with sleevesCards in the game: 36cards (56.0mmx87.0mm) STANDARD sleeves bundle 10% discount +1x Cosmic Eidex 5,39€ 5,99€ +1x edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard USA (56 x 87 mm) (UPL-7040) 2,24€ 2,80€ =7,63€ Full price 8,79€ SUPERIOR sleeves bundle 10% discount +1x Cosmic Eidex 5,39€ 5,99€ +1x edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior USA (56 x…

  • Sale!

    Fliegen klatschen

    Original price was: €8,99.Current price is: €3,60.

    Description A card game where players attempt to catch flies the fastest. Players turn over cards one by one of different colours. Play continues until either five colours of fly or a fly swatter card are revealed. At this point, the players try to “swat” the most numerous colour of fly, by placing their hands…

  • Sale!


    Original price was: €16,90.Current price is: €6,76.

    Description Gold! Gold! Nothing but gold as far as the eye can see. Well, to be honest the landscape holds a few donkeys, too, and while donkeys can help carry all that gold, they’ll also eat into your savings if you aren’t careful.Gold! consists of a 60-card deck, with cards in six colors; each color…

  • Sale!

    Kleine Fotosafari

    Original price was: €7,99.Current price is: €3,20.

    Description In Kleine Fotosafari, players try to take pictures of certain animals while on safari – and not only is the kind of animals being photographed important, but also the sequence of the animals in the picture.To set up the game, shuffle the animal cards, then lay out 12 in a circle, with the top…

  • Sale!


    Original price was: €9,90.Current price is: €3,96.

    Card sleeves in this game 55 cards of 56.0mm width and 87.0mm of height Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium Standard USA (56 x 87 mm) (MDG7076)Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 50 Bustine Premium USA Chimera (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7078)Mayday Games”> 2x (50 Pcs) Mayday: 100 Bustine Chimera USA (57.5 x 89 mm) (MDG7044)Mayday Games”>…

  • Sale!


    Original price was: €12,90.Current price is: €5,16.

    Description Galloping Pigs is a cute little ‘not-quite-a-children’s-game’ game where players are collecting points in the form of food. Plastic pigs are placed on a track made from cards laid in a circle, and then players are given cards in the colors of the pigs. Each turn, a player selects a card, and moves the…